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Sleep Medicine Equipment

Medical Device Depot is committed to carrying the most technologically advanced sleep medicine equipment on the market. Our partners will provide all the support you need to get your own program started or keep a great program going. We carry sleep monitors from BioSigns, SleepView, and IntelliPAP to help determine what is causing your patient's discomfort and to assist them with getting a full and restful night's sleep. We also provide premium study kits to help your patients track their nighttime activities.

We also carry a selection of nasal pillows to help apply the correct airway pressure therapy for sleep-disordered breathing. These nasal pillow systems are lightweight, quiet, and designed for optimal comfort so it's easy to fall asleep while wearing them.

Lack of sleep can lead to an array of other medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular disease. Not getting enough rest can also cause irritable moods, lack of focus, and exhaustion. Don't let your patients waste another night tossing and turning in their beds, get the proper sleep testing equipment and help them get some rest.
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Reimbursement Information
CPT Code 95800: Sleep study, unattended, simultaneous recording; heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory analysis (eg, by airflow or peripheral arterial tone), and sleep time
CPT Code 95801: Sleep study, unattended, simultaneous recording; minimum of heart rate, oxygen saturation, and respiratory analysis (eg, by airflow or peripheral arterial tone)
**For all CPT coding that applies to Sleep Studies, a Board Certified Sleep Physician is required to interpret and make recommendations. Check local carriers for current reimbursement values.