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A Pulse oximeter (also known as a saturometer or Pulse ox) is a medical device that can be used to indirectly monitor the changes in the blood volume and oxygen saturation of an individual's blood stream. Pulse oximeters are available in a wide range of sizes and designs. There are large units used in medical centers and smaller portable units which can be used within the home. Pulse oximeters are adapted to a wide range of functions. Some of these include

• Individuals with respiratory disorders: Pulse oximeters are commonly used with patients suffering from respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. Prolonged deprivation of oxygen in such scenarios can lead to stroke, tissue damage or death.

With the use of a Pulse oximeter, doctors or patients are able to constantly monitor the oxygen level of the patient allowing them to provide supplements in situations where the body's oxygen level is insufficient. Pulse oximeters are also sometimes used with patients suffering from unique sleeping disorders such as apnea. Doctors are able to analyze the results obtained and use this in making accurate diagnosis.

• High Altitude Climbers: Pulse ox devices are common features with mountain climbers. This is because the atmosphere becomes noticeably thinner as climbers go higher. With the use of portable Pulse oximeters, mountain climbers are able to monitor their oxygen levels to ensure that they are within healthy limits. This is especially important with people who choose to climb without the support of oxygen tanks.

• Pilots: Flying has its share of demands. It's not just the pressure generated by the aircraft's gee and yaw that pilots have to contend with. Pilots also need to monitor their blood pressure levels especially if they are flying in a non-pressurized aircraft. Portable Pulse ox monitors are commonly used to monitor and measure the pilot's oxygen level to determine if supplemental oxygen tanks might be required for sustained flight.

• Athletes: Professional athletes engaged in intense aerobic sports might be required to work with portable Pulse ox monitors. It is not uncommon for the body's oxygen level to drop during training because of the added strain and demand on its circulatory system. With the assistance of portable Pulse ox, health physicians are able to determine if and when their blood oxygen level is too low.

• Patients in the HospitalPulse oximeters are common features within hospitals, clinics and medical centers. They are used to monitor a patient's pulse rate as well their oxygen levels. Pulse oximeters are likely to be found in the emergency wards of a hospital where patients are facing critical conditions. Pulse oximeters are also common in operating theatres and are used during invasive and non-invasive surgical procedures. During a patient's post-op care, Pulse oximeters may be used to monitor their recovery at the ICU.

To get the best results with your Pulse oximeter, it is important that you carefully consider where you buy your medical device from. At Medical Device Depot, we offer you the opportunity to buy high quality Pulse oximeters at affordable rates.