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Center for Discovery– Eating Disorder Treatment

Outpatient Eating Disorder Treatment
If you feel that your child has an eating disorder of any kind, you need to make an appointment with your family doctor to have him or her diagnosed. You need to understand that an eating disorder is a disease that, like any other needs to be treated professionally if you want them to recover. There are several different forms of eating disorder and they all progress at different rates depending on the person who is suffering from the disease.
If you are fortunate enough to catch your child it the early stages of their eating disorder, you may find that a professionally managed outpatient eating disorder treatment program will be sufficient. Along with your help, this program can teach them what they need to know to overcome their disease and begin the road to recovery.

If you have a child that needs treatment for an eating disorder, you need to contact the Center for Discovery. We are dedicated to help children struggling with eating disorders.

Center for Discovery – Eating Disorder Treatment Centers

Family Help from Eating Disorder Treatment Centers
By the time most families that have a child with an eating disorder has finally gotten to the point at which they have finally taken their child to one of the available eating disorder treatment centers, the child is not likely to be the only one who needs help. At this point the average family feels like they have been run through the mill and most likely needs a little help of their own. At the Center for Discovery we understand where the families are coming from and have programs in place to help.

By the time the average family arrives at our eating disorder treatment centers they need therapy almost as much as their loved one. We provide a full range of Family Therapy that is designed to help answer the questions , educate and encourage the rest of the family while their loved one is getting the help he or she needs. This way everyone is on the same page once they are reunited, making the rate of success for our programs much higher.

Center for Discovery eating disorder treatment centers believes that a family that has the advantage of their own therapy can and will do what is necessary to ensure the complete success of their loved one.

Center for Discovery – Eating Disorders

There are Several Well –Known Eating Disorders
When you hear the words "eating disorders" your mind, like most people" probably pictures the rail thin late teenage girl with anorexia. While this particular eating disorder is one of the most prevalent, perhaps driven by the image that is projected by movie stars and models that only when you are thin do you look good. This is only one of the major eating disorders, the other are bulimia and binge eating.

Both anorexia and bulimia result in your child not getting the nutrition that their bodies need to thrive and can lead to major health problems such as organ failure that can lead to death. At the opposite end of the scale is the binge eater. Typically this child will eat when he or she is having emotional problems such as being picked on at school. They consume large quantities of food and in most cases are either borderline obese or are obese.

All of these eating disorders have one thing in common; they require professional help to regain control of their eating habits and their lives before their problems become so severe that they die. At Center for Discovery we specialize in helping teens learn to overcome their disease and get their lives back in order.

Center for Discovery –Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment

Does Your Child Need Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment?
If you think or even suspect that your child might have an eating disorder, you need to make him or her appointment with either your family physician or a pediatrician. Eating disorders are a serious illness, they are not a fad and they do not go away on their own. Only a trained professional can make the final determination as to whether your child should be admitted to an inpatient eating disorder treatment facility or if outpatient care will help.

The medical professional you talk to will perform both a physical and a mental evaluation on your child. He will also talk to them to get a sense of how serious their disorder is before recommending inpatient eating disorder treatment. While an inpatient program will help your child recover and get started down the right road, he or she will need to continue with outpatient follow up for a long time before they are likely to be fully recovered from this potentially life threatening disease.

If you would like more information regarding eating disorders is teens please feel free to contact the Center for Discovery, we specialize in helping tweens and teens learn to overcome their eating disorder.

Center for Discovery – Teenage Eating Disorders

Teenage Eating Disorders are More Common than You Think

While you might think that you are all alone in the world when your child is diagnosed as having an eating disorder, you definitely are not. Teenage eating disorders affect thousands of teenagers and run the full gamut from Anorexia to Bulimia and binge eating. Today's teens are under a tremendous amount of pressure from their peers and from the way that Hollywood seems to project the concept of the perfect body.

Teenage eating disorders need to be caught and treated at the earliest possible stage in order to prevent them from experiencing permanent physical and psychological harm. If you suspect your child has an eating disorder, you need to seek professional help immediately. In many cases outpatient therapy such as that offered at the Center for Discovery can help, in more severe cases we offer a complete residential program specifically for those between the ages of 10 and 19.