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EKG machines are needed in any medical institution, and they have even become available for usage at home. Many people wonder why this type of medical equipment is so important and what advantages it brings. 

EKG machines in clinics are one of the most important medical tools that doctors need to make instant judgments about the functioning and condition of the patient’s heart. An EKG exam can provide information about conditions, heart problems and upcoming crises that could be prevented. 

The electrocardiography machine diagnoses cardiovascular problems by monitoring the patient’s heart rate over a certain period of time. Irregularities in the EKG reading show that something is wrong or that something could go wrong with the patient’s heart.

The EKG machine is one of the most used tools in medical centers, clinics and hospitals. This emergency machine could come in handy during any period of time.

EKG tests are also included in regular medical exams that are used to determine if the patient is healthy. This is why EKG machines in clinics play a very important role. They are utilized both in terms of preventive practices and the selection of the most appropriate treatment for an already existing heart problem.

How does the EKG machine work? The fact that it is a simple and efficient one makes it even more essential. The machine consists of EKG electrodes that get attached to the patient’s chest. Through wires or wireless technology, these electrodes submit information about heart activity to the main unit of the machine. The reading gets recorded on EKG paper so that the doctor could examine it later on.

EKG examinations are simple, fast and painless. At the same time, the amount of information provided is significant and priceless when it comes to determining cardiovascular problems and heart conditions.

This test is the most commonly performed cardiac examination because of the essential information it is capable of providing without causing discomfort or pain to the patient. The test is very inexpensive and risk free, which makes it one of the basics in terms of diagnosing cardiovascular diseases.

At the same time, heart disease is becoming an increasingly troubling problem. Statistics show that over 2,500 people in the US die as the result of heart disease on a daily basis! Such figures demonstrate how important prophylactic treatment and early diagnostics is.

Over six million people in the US are admitted to a hospital on an annual basis because of heart problems. This is why EKG machines need to be present in every clinic. Heart disease is becoming one of the epidemics of the present age because of lifestyle and growing obesity. For many years, cardiovascular diseases have been the number one cause of death in the US.

Heart health is of the utmost importance. Each medical clinic has the equipment needed to determine problems and to help doctors select appropriate treatments. EKG machines are a must that has the potential to save lives.